People who are building muscle or losing weight through exercise. You may be experiencing problems with slow muscle growth. Or not at all even though with the discipline to exercise regularly That might be because you may have missed something important. Or is there something that is not yet balanc? If you know the cause, your muscle building might be as fast as possible.
The reason why you exercise hard but don’t have muscles
- Heavy cardio but no weight training. Cardio even helps in burning calories. overall body, but if you don’t do weight training at all, it will be even more difficult for your body to build muscle. Resistance exercise has a positive effect on stimulating muscle growth.
- Cardio before weight training Cardio sessions typically last around 30 minutes, which can result in a lack of energy for weight training. Or it results in less weight training, making it difficult to build muscle. If you want to exercise to build muscle, สมัคร ufabet recommend, you should weight train first. Then finish with cardio which will result in more strength than resistance exercise.
- Not developing exercise postures Most of the time, when playing magic for a long time The body will become numb. Muscles are not rebuilt. Therefore, if you want the muscles to be rebuilt It is very important to change your playing position. Including weight gain For example, if you use to use dumbbells weighing 1 kilogram, you need to increase them to 2 kilograms, etc.
- Don’t challenge yourself. Weight training exercises, if you practice for a while when you start to feel the weight you are lifting. Or the number of sets is easier. That’s because your muscles are use to it. If you want to develop your muscles, you should increase the weight or add more sets to your weight.
- Take a little rest, If anyone has a habit of sleeping late It would be better to change your behavior. Because whenever there is a lack of sleep The level of the hormone cortisol will increase. and causes the body to convert carbohydrates into fat In addition, lack of sleep will make you so tired that you won’t be able to exercise the next day. When you don’t exercise, your muscles will break down.
- Not drinking enough water. Drinking little water results in oxygen. and less nutrients to the muscles, not expelling heat in the body well enough, affecting muscle building as well.